原《国际象棋的兵》http://chesspawn.nease.net.于6月30日到期, 即日起增开《龙韬破胡》——即原名《国际象棋的兵》 新网址:http://chesspawn.net/ 敬请留意。 |
Perhaps ChessGenius's greatest achievment came in August 1994 when it shocked the Chess World and became the first program ever to beat a World Champion (Gary Kasparov) at a non-blitz time level!
Genius also knocked GM Nikolic out of the same tournament, achieving an astounding 2795 ELO rating for its performance in that tournament - all on a mere 100 Mhz Pentium PC!
您的10'+10'',比世界冠军都厉害 ,,,能block DJ